Living life to the full. There is no time like the present to begin a journey toward richer living. If you are seeking a means for addressing pain, healing relationships, working through loss, or adding meaning to your life, this may be the place for you. Learn to explore and express your feelings, examine your beliefs, and work toward making healthy choices. Watch your life be transformed into something satisfying and full of freedom!

Coming Alive

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
-Howard Thurman

focus quote - as with all focus quotes, feel free to read the above statement and let it speak what it will to you. Read no further if the quote alone stimulates enough thought. If you want more inspiration for journaling or conversations with others, then read on. Most of all, enjoy!

Most of us have, at some point in our lives, encountered those people who are alive. I mean truly alive! They exude passion, drive, enthusiasm, and direction. They have a sense of meaning in their lives, they know they are doing what they were made to do, and they have a sense of satisfaction about themselves. The Howard Thurman quote above seems so insightful because it reminds us not to try making ourselves into something we are not. The world doesn't need you to be anyone other than who you were made to be.

Instead, so often we try to transform ourselves into what we think others want or who we think they will accept or love. Before you know it you have become something artificial, superficial, inauthentic. Your true self has been hidden under the facade that you have erected to win the favor of those around you.

When I talk with people who have tried to turn themselves into what they think others want, a sad thing is often true for them: They don't like who they are, they may not like those around them, and their life is no fun at all. They are surely not bursting at the seams because they are so full of life. Rather they seem down, hollow, angry, depressed, fearful.

About what subjects do you get totally jazzed and energized? What brings you joy? What gifts do you have that you jump at the chance to use? What job or project would you volunteer to do if you had the time and money to do it? The answers to these questions help you know what makes you come alive. If you can't come up with answers to any of these questions, you may want to ask those close to you when they have seen you most passionate about something.

As you rediscover who you are and what makes you come alive, don't be surprised if more people are drawn to you, ask you what has changed about you, or notice your spirits are a bit higher than they have been in the past. It is so enjoyable being around someone like that. Someone who knows themselves, their gifts, and what they have to offer this world. Enjoy the process of coming alive!