Journey toward
freedom with other survivors of sexual abuse
12-week growth
group for individuals who have experienced sexual abuse. A next step for those already
working with a therapist and who are looking to benefit from a group experience
with others who have known abuse. The group will be limited to 5-8 participants
due to the sensitive nature of the group.
12 weekly
meetings from mid-September to mid-December. Day of the week yet to be determined.
Location yet to be determined based on final group
Men or women,
currently in their own individual therapy, or who have previously done personal
work in this area for themselves.
need to pay for class materials as well as a $75 class participation fee.
Wounded Heart: Hope for Adult Victims of
Childhood Sexual Abuse book and workbook, by Dan Allender. Additionally, other
materials will be used within class time but require no additional purchase.
Overview of the Wounded Heart Material:
From the workbook back cover: “Thousands of woman and men
have experienced life-reviving healing from Dr. Dan Allender’s book The Wounded
Heart. This companion workbook will help you work through the complex issues of
sexual abuse in a concrete way. Designed to be used on your own or in a group,
the workbook will lead you step-by-step through the process of change: facing the
truth about past and present experiences and feelings; wrestling with God,
other people, and yourself; and understanding the goals and fears that have
determined how you relate to others. It also includes specific sections for
men, ideas for discussion-group facilitators, and reflective quotations from
fellow strugglers with sexual abuse.
With professional skill and spiritual insight, Dr. Dan B.
Allender shows that there is hope and healing when survivors call on the Great
Physician for relief from their suffering.”
Registration is open from August 1st to September 5th. For
any questions contact Tia Harms at, or by phone at